
First Day of School 

Click on the link for Interviewing questions, a Mad Lib and a Scavenger Hunt!

Check out these Ideas for Activities and Icebreakers!

What Do I Wish I Had on the First Day of School?

Over the years, I used the PDFs below to start the school year.  

(If I can make just one Choral Director's life a bit easier by creating this website and sharing this information, I will have done what I've set out to do!)

In the PDFs below:

A copy of the Laminated Flier the Section Leaders would place around the building for the first two weeks of the new school year.

First Week of School Flier.pdf
MONTHLY TO-DO LISTS for Website.pdf

JOB DESCRIPTION = Month-by-Month

As the Ridge program grew, I created a monthly job description which I amended every month so I would be sure not to forget anything!  While this will be specific to the activities I ran every year, you can use it as a framework to create one for your program.  Highly recommend!

Song Map - Template/Directions

Assignment:  Create a SONG MAP with prompts on each slide.  GREAT first assignment and a GREAT way to get to know a bit about your students!

Courtesy of Kaitlin Holt-Saugus High School 

I discovered ChorAmour through the Facebook group I'm a Choir Director.  

What a unique find sponsored by a host of notable musicians in our field! Take a moment to explore their resources!